Fruits Benefits

How to know healthy Indian Bael fruit?

Medicinal Indian Bael fruit properties – வில்வம் மருத்துவ குணங்கள் To repair the nervous system: • For people with nervous system problems, dry the resin of this tree well in the…

How to know healthy kiwi fruits?

Medicinal properties of kiwi fruits – கிவி பழத்தின் மருத்துவ குணங்கள் Every naturally occurring fruit is edible to man. A few of those fruits are popular with the people. That way…

Know Healthy food to eat in the morning

Healthy food to eat when you wake up in the morning: காலையில் எழுந்ததும் சாப்பிட வேண்டிய ஆரோக்கியமான உணவு Not only waking up in the morning, but also the way you sleep…

How to know benefit of Chitharathai Powder?

Chitharathai Powder Medicinal Uses: சித்தரத்தை பொடி மருத்துவ பயன்கள்:There are two types of Araathai namely Siddharatha and Perarathai. Although both are children of the same mother, the medical specialty is slightly…

How to know benefit of Aloe vera?

Aloe vera gives masculinity! சோற்றுக்கற்றாழை ஆண்மையை தரும் Aloe Vera is the most common plant found on our streets. Because of this, many people do not know the beauty of it.…